We're going coast to coast, and bringing fun and informative videos to your screen!

Introducing "Busby Group Goes Global," a fun and interactive way for you to get to know our amazing group of broker friends, plus learn more about the world's top real estate market straight from the experts. We will cover buyer/seller trends, pricing, neighborhoods, schools – all the good stuff, whether you are thinking of moving, or just intrigued. And we will keep the conversations short, promise!

Denver, CO | Kristen Abell

The Hamptons | Cindy Scholz

Nashville, TN | Erin Krueger

Naples, FL | Lauren Brooker

Washington, D.C. | Mandy Mills

Katheryn O’Connor | Salt Lake City, UT

Mara Walsh | Southwest, MI

 Orange County, CA + Northeast Florida | Cara Ameer

Francie Malina | Westchester County, NY